Finally I got my dremel back from my brother and I just finished the PCB for my LCD, here is a picture with a minor error on a trace that I had to correct with some solder. It turned out a bit larger that I expected, the final dimensions are 36mm X 53mm.
This is a unregulated PCB, so be sure to power it with a max. of 5 volt. or it will burn the LCD and/or the PIC, here is a picture of the PCB with all of the components soldered in place, the red led is connected to the TX pin of the PIC and it will transmit all the data that it received to the this pin and the led will light briefly with each byte it received, I also used this feature to debug the firmware. The white trimmer is the LCD contrast.
I had some trouble soldering the LCD in place because I had all ready solder the pins to the LCD since I used it in the breadboard, so take my advise and solder the pins to the PCB FIRST :P
I was only able to solder in one side of the pins of the LCD as it shows in the picture.
Here is a picture of the back of the LCD with the PCB attached.
I try to make it small enough to be in the back of the LCD and not be visible. It only shows a bit in the top and the connector on the side.
And finally the old and good "Hello World!!!!" message to check that is working correctly.
Here is the pdf file if anyone would like to make the PCB with toner transfer method s_lcd_pcb.pdf
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