Thursday, April 5, 2012

Serial 16x2 LCD controller

LCD serial controller.
I just migrated a little while ago from the old MPLAB to the new MPLABX, and before that I did all my PIC programing in assembler, so with the new MPLABX I decided that it was time to finally learn C/C++ for PICs, and the best way to learn programing (at least in my opinion) is to get a project going on, with that in mind I set on making/building a serial controller for the popular 16x2 LCD modules, I know that already have one of those, but I just wanted to have my own, it is very ease to use, simply send ASCII charecters to the controller from a PC with a MAX232 adapter, FTDI chip or a MCU and they will be writen to the LCD.

It uses a PIC16F628A running at 20Mhz, I made all the functions of the LCD module available in 19 easy commands, it has a 40 charecter buffer. It uses a baud rate of 9600 with no parity, no flow control and 1 stop bit. This is the first version and I have plans to extend the buffer size, make other baud rates available and the PCB will be posted soon.

All needed files are in the RAR file, even the source code if anyone wishes to make some changes of there own, just give me some credit.S_LCD.rar


  1. Congratullations Mr.A.Alfonso Alvarado , this Circuitt is very simple and interesting.I need use this circuit to display process control with LDMcro and not indicate corrects caracters. LDMcro not use command (0x01) use (x01) have problems to use ? Commento to use yours circuit to LDMcro system ?
    Elieser Muller
